
7 Annoying Things about YouTube

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I made up this list of 7 Annoying things on In my opinion those 7 things makes the website: less enjoyable for anyone big or small.

1) Getting dislikes/negative comments over your skills. Feels like every-time someone click on your videos. Want you be a master, prefect at it. Or Would get mean and negative comments for example. I made up a series Highly Recommend Fallout 4 Mods. One comment got was the following: ''You know nothing about Mods/Modding''. Over giving out a opinion Fallout 4 Mods. Playing video games, reviewing, other things goes under this category. My answer always this:

Why does it matter toward you. Everyone has pros and cons. Does not help anyone being like that. Not everyone would agree the best course be Jerk toward them over-it.

2) Haters: Just all websites Haters ruin any website and community in many ways. I though YouTube was about Gaming, TV Shows, other-things. Not about hating on other because are different then yourself. I think this line summer up the reason from Bender (Futurama): You're different and don't like you. I use the report/block/remove comment button. I'm asking those people don't like the saying
Treat others the Way you want be treated. I see it in there comments and ratings.

3) YouTube and Google doesn't care even when people are being hateful and trolling: YouTube/Google+ both on this list. Both then share the same problem of this. I have story behind this ideas. There was someone being mean, hatefully toward me on YouTube. I reported the person for hatefully speech. As the tittle of topic says: YouTube and Google doesn't care even when people are being hateful and trolling. Did not do anything helpful at all. The person still free being
mean/hatefully as possible. The only bonus I muted and block the person.

I think this comment on Google Store is another example of this: How about you start demonetizing people who think that freedom of speech means spewing out hurtful, offensive words? Which is, of course, directed to a specific group of people who haven't done anything wrong. How about actually making yourself useful for once instead of screwing everything up?.

4) YouTube Drama: Why does it exist in the first-place. Asking this question for many-times. Does make the community and the website-better. If you want my answer nope. YouTube Users do not know:

The define of Hate-Speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as gender, ethnic origin, religion, race, disability, or sexual orientation.

5) Copyright Companies: Very Easy topic because Copyright companies are unfair toward anyone on YouTube.

6) Dislikes on Your Videos: Myself has Dislikes videos on YouTube. I have observed that commenting work-better. My favorite ideas if dislike the video just leave the video. Less YouTube gives you the option disable rating/comments on Your videos. The worst part is dislike-bots.

7) Buffering:

I hate when watching a video still on Buffering like crazy. Smosh The Movie had a moment with this ideas.
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